When redesigning your bathroom, one of the key things you’ll need to determine is which bathroom vanity is right for your space. It’s important to think about the role it will play in your space both aesthetically and functionally.
We’ve put together a list of some of the most common types of vanities, and some of the important considerations to help you choose the right one.
Pre-Built versus Custom Cabinetry
One of the first things you’ll want to consider is if you would like a pre-built or custom vanity. Plain and simple, a custom vanity will be more expensive and, as long as you’re not looking for specific dimensions, a pre-built vanity is a great choice.
Pre-built vanities from professional retailers are high-quality and come in a wide range of colours, styles, sizes, and with a range of features.
Things to Consider When Choosing a Bathroom Vanity
How Much Storage Do You Need?
Whether or not your vanity will be located in a powder room or an ensuite bathroom will be the biggest factors to deciding how much storage you will need. For powder rooms, numerous cupboards and drawers may not be required. By removing these storage requirements, you will be able to choose from a wider selection of styles.
What Add-Ons Should You Choose?
There are lots of add-ons to consider when deciding which vanity to install. Here are some of the most important add-ins:
Linen Towers
For some people, extra storage is on the top of their priority list. Many vanities come with additional linen towers that will seamlessly match the vanity and offer a nice looking place to store your towels, toiletries, and more.
Medicine Cabinets
A popular add-on when planning for your vanity is a matching medicine cabinet. An ideal storage addition, medicine cabinets with mirrors are great places to hide small toiletries — keeping them out of plain sight but within easy reach.
Does your existing mirror match your vanity? Will one mirror be enough? If you’re switching from a single sink to double sinks in your bathroom renovation, matching mirrors above both sinks are key pieces to improve the overall look of your finished update.
Fixtures and Hardware
Matching your hardware to your plumbing fixtures is not necessary, but is important to establish an integrated look and feel. If desired, you can change the current hardware on your vanity to match additional storage options and more.
Pro Tip: The quality of plumbing fixtures purchased from big box stores versus smaller professional retailers vary, even if they’re the same brand and product name! Smaller businesses also have more availability to warranties and replacement parts which will pay off for you in the long run, should anything break.
Most vanities have built-in countertops, but can be customized in some cases. Regardless of your countertop, consider which sink you’d like while you’re shopping for a vanity so you can save yourself some time down the line.
Ultimately, the key to choosing a bathroom vanity is ensuring that you have a good balance of beauty and functionality. If you’re ready to consider a ready-made vanity solution, contact a member of our team!